Rachel was absolutely brilliant, really amazing. I felt successful from my sessions and achieved what I had wanted from therapy. I feel we had a really good working relationship together and found the sessions extremely helpful.

I felt that I needed to stand on my own two feet, but having the safety net of being able to go back to Rachel in the future feels good.

- S

I can't rate Rachel highly enough. She really got me. First time I tried therapy and didn't know what to expect. I was ready to give up on life and now I want to live. And that's big for me.

I needed help and she was so patient with me. So understanding. Thank you. You changed my life!

- P

My journey with Rachel was amazing. I have my days where I dip and feel low but the progress I made with Rachel from start to finish was monumental. The difference I feel in myself is like night and day, the work we did together was amazing.

In the past I always had free counselling given to me by my GP, I never had someone who was really attentive and specialised, Rachel was all this and more.
It is so nice to know someone understands you and I know I can return in the future if I needed.

Thank you Rachel for everything.

- J

I found my trauma healing therapy to be extremely useful. To have the space to talk and be heard and not have someone try to fix me. It helped and made me realise a lot, even though I still struggle with anxiety, I know this was the beginning of my journey and it will be a long healing process, which I will continue to grow and thrive from.

Rachel had such a great memory for names I had mentioned, she wasn't writing down anything, so this allowed me to feel really heard and understood. Rachel was amazing.

- F

Rachel is the first professional I have talked to that understood me. It's the first time I haven't felt judged for being non-binary and she let me choose the direction of my sessions. I really liked her patience and how she helped me to feel safe. Highly recommend her!

- L

Investing in counselling was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I'm delighted that Michelle was recommended to me and in turn, I would highly recommend her to anyone.

Having recently suffered some very personally traumatic experiences, compounded with some more historic bereavement issues that I'd never really addressed, I was in a difficult place when I started sessions with Michelle.

I always felt fully in control of the content and timing of the sessions and I was encouraged to share but without pressure. Michelle gave me some really great tools to manage and understand my trauma and she helped me analyse and get insight into my feelings and emotions in a practical, and sensible way.

I'm now in a much better place. I have the tools and the confidence to manage the ongoing trauma (it's a medical situation that I can't influence) and I feel much more settled when I reflect on past bereavement.
Thank you Michelle.

- S

I was dubious about talking to someone and didn't know if it would make a difference. I didn't know if a civvy would get it or be able to help me.
Straight away I felt a shift and it was really reassuring that Rachel knew about forces life. I didn't have to explain what I meant and she helped me to explore a lot of stuff that was pretty brutal and that I hadn't told anyone. I never wanted to burden my family.

Working with Rachel has changed my life. I can breathe again. Thank you for helping get my head sorted.

- A

Therapy/Counselling sessions with Michelle were very inviting and driven by me which was nice. I didn't feel coddled which is something I've felt in therapy with other companies/therapists. Each session felt useful in its own way and I felt that I was guided towards coming to my own realisations, I never felt that my time was wasted or that we weren't working towards something.

Overall I'm very happy with my experience, and would definitely recommend it, thank you, Michelle!

- L

I cannot thank Radcliffe & Brown CIC enough. Michelle was an incredibly patient and encouraging counsellor. She helped me unpick the situations around me and helped me process the environment that has been causing me a lot of anxiety. She helped me to slowly regain my positivity and reframe my perspective. I am actively using the strategies she guided me through, it has helped me no end. I am very grateful to her and to Rachel for the professional and encouraging support I have received.

I feel like myself again.

- H

I found Rachel to be a perfect match for me. As a counsellor, she was extremely calm and understanding. She was truly amazing and I can't speak highly enough about her. The way she spoke, was really calm and put me at ease straight away. She was so understanding and patient, I felt I touched upon everything I came to counselling for.

I feel I got all and more from Rachel. "I was broken and she fixed me". I feel very emotionally positive, and that is thanks to Rachel at Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling.

- V

I found Rachel to be very well matched with myself. She was so good from the very beginning; Very helpful and approachable. I feel there was good progression with my sessions and a good agreed endpoint.

Rachel was everything I needed at that point.

I would definitely recommend Rachel and Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling to anyone that needed support.

- H

Rachel was an amazing fit for me as a counsellor. I found her to be extremely 100% what I needed and much more. She was a fantastic listener and I could really open up to her. Thank you for being so fantastic.

- K

Michelle was professional yet approachable and I felt her friendly attitude complimented her skill. She had a good sense of humour and understood my phrasing of my problems very well.

I unlocked a deeper understanding of myself and connected dots I didn't even know were there. I feel I've unearthed more of me than was previously available.

I found the experience wholesome, enjoyable, hard at points yet totally rewarding.

- C

I was really apprehensive at first when I first met Rachel. I was really unsure about how direct she was when she hardly knew me. But after spending time with her and getting to know each other in our sessions, I quickly realised how perceptive she was.

She was actually on the money every time. This really made me trust her and respect her and what she had to say. I can honestly say I am now stronger mentally and this is thanks to our time together.

I would 100% recommend Rachel & Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling.

- R

Counselling is very personal to everyone. I found Michelle an extremely easy person to open up to and my counselling sessions with her have been invaluable to me.

I can highly recommend anyone who is dealing with difficult emotional issues to look no further for help and support from Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling.

- P

I felt like we were really well suited and had good chemistry from the very start; she was very relatable. It was my first time counselling but I knew I needed it.

Rachel got me through some very tough times. It was new territory for me and it was a really quick turnaround between feeling awful and a lot more in control. I am so grateful. She let me lead and listened to my journey. We explored when I started to attack myself.

She always allowed me to talk and never talked over me. Overall, it was a very good experience. I wouldn't change anything about the experience.

Thank you, Rachel.


I feel like the process of me being matched to my counsellor was spot on. I honestly couldn't find a better counsellor or more perfect match. As sessions went on, I realised how brilliant she was and how well matched my needs were to Michelle.

I achieved everything I wanted to and more! I couldn't fault Michelle. Nothing she said was negative or triggering. She understood I was ready to begin a new chapter of life and was there for me. She didn't take over but let me direct it. I didn't think I had it in me to heal myself, and I feel so humble to have had the opportunity to have worked with Michelle.

I feel speechless at how brilliant she was. The results are out of this world and beyond grateful to Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling and Michelle.


I've had a really rough time and Michelle was like a breath of fresh air. She helped me see things I hadn't even recognised and I feel like I've grown so much. My journey has been a little rocky but she never judged me when I fell off the wagon. Her care and professionalism helped me to get back on my feet.

Thank you Michelle, and thank you Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling.

I would highly recommend this service!

- G

Jo was very patient and lovely. She explored stuff with me in different methods and I am pleased it wasn't a one-size-fits-all approach. I felt like she saw "me."

- T

I was so well matched with Rachel and thought she was amazing. I felt she gave me the tools to enable me to move forward. Even though my recovery is hard, I know what Rachel gave me and that I am forever grateful for. I will however in the future be in touch with Rachel again for more sessions but I am aware at this stage I need to work on what she gave me.

Thank you Rachel for all your knowledge, patience and understanding.

- K

I was really well matched with Rachel. She was extremely good. When I started working with her I was suicidal. I am not suicidal at all thanks to her. She showed me my own worth. She was amazing; very level headed, clever, and a dry sense of humour which helped me connect with her.
I couldn't have asked for a better counsellor.
I can't thank Rachel enough.

- M

Rachel was amazing. I was unsure about counselling at first but she was so good at listening. Rachel clarified things for me and I felt she was well suited to me. I would not feel worried about contacting her for further sessions in the future.

Thank you Rachel

- S

Rachel was a really good match for me. I found her online and found her to be extremely approachable . She made me feel comfortable and like I could say anything and feel anything. There was a complete openness to it.

Rachel raised some things that I needed to think about; She was really great. I felt I dealt with everything I went to sessions for and felt it was left at a really good point for now. I would definitely be back in touch for the future if I needed too.

Thank you Rachel.

- B

I felt like she was a really good match for me. She was welcoming and I felt relaxed straight away. I didn't get to do as many as I would of liked due to my move back home for a year, but the 5 sessions I did have I felt I made progress.

Rachel was amazing. Thank you Rachel so much, I also know I can come back if needed. I felt I had the best. I wasn't expecting to like counselling or feel relaxed but I really did.

Thank you so very much.

- A

I had a mixture of telephone and face-to-face sessions with Rachel where we explored various aspects of my life. There was no specific agenda and the sessions varied in their nature. After a number of sessions, we came to a natural point to press pause on the sessions which made a lot of sense and I was happy to. It was during this pause that, being a naturally slow burner that I suddenly realised one day, out of nowhere, what it was that I was missing in my life! This was a real eureka moment and was due to the sessions with Rachel. Thank you Rachel for your patience and understanding.

- M

I felt she was a great match. There were times in the sessions where it felt difficult but Rachel helped me stay focused and I felt safe.
The only thing I would change would be COVID so we could have had face to face sessions.

Thank you Rachel for the experience.

- J

Rachel was brilliant, flexible and extremely professional. She helped me a lot. She had a lovely manner.

I felt very well matched and will definitely be in touch in the future.

- P

Rachel was so easy to talk to. She made the process simple and explained it to me to a point I felt instantly comfortable.
I felt I could talk and share straight away with her. I felt safe and this was most important for me. We started at once a week then after a few months we went to every two weeks. The process was led by me and what I needed. This made me feel I had control over my own process. It was an amazing experience and I can't thank Rachel enough. I will definitely return in the future if I feel I needed further sessions. Ratcliffe Therapeutic Counselling left this open and up to me which makes it so comforting.

- Z

"I felt I was extremely well matched with Rachel as my counsellor, she was so lovely, easy to talk too and I could open up and explore all that I needed too. I couldn't of got through without her. I felt in good safe hands. Thank you Rachel you were amazing."

- C

"Rachel was sent to me at just the right time, She was the icing on the cake, a quick turn around and so eased me back into sessions. Rach was stunning, she challenged me which I needed as I was stuck, She gave me things to work on each week. I walk my dog more and I am doing a lot more self care. I can not thank Rachel enough. She has literally saved my life, thank you to all you do for people like myself."

- G

"Don't show emotions - I've heard it so much throughout my life. When I did feel like crying or I couldn't cope, I'd kick myself for being weak. Working with Rachel made me realise it's okay to ask for help. It doesn't make me any less of a man to have and show emotions."

- B

"The lady was really good and she certainly deserves a pat on the back. Through our conversations, she helped me to see things better and helped me to answer questions I hadn't been able to alone. She gave me the chance to reflect. It was what I needed."

- G

"Rachel was an amazing counsellor. I am very thankful for these sessions. They have helped me a lot."

- I

"My counsellor suited me perfectly and was gentle and down to earth. She gave me time to talk and really let it be my time. She wasn't patronising (like I thought most counsellors would be) which was a relief and I felt comforted. She has compassion and helped me to recognise the good parts of me, not by telling me, but by supporting me to explore things. Certain things we discussed changed my outlook on how I can move forwards and grow into the me I want to be. She was just really amazing."

- A

"Rachel was very good. She helped me so much. I could have kept going but wanted to work face to face and this wasn't available at the time. Please pass on how much Rachel helped me. There is nothing I could say that was negative. Thank you so much."

- D

"I thought it would take months of sessions but after my second session with Rachel I felt like I was walking around lighter. It was an incredible feeling to click with someone so quickly. I felt Rachel was extremely professional and listened so well."

- G

"I found Rachel was a lovely lady and easy to talk to. The sessions were so helpful. She was amazing. Thank you."

- A

"I couldn't say anything other than I got so much from my sessions and time with her. Please keep doing what you are doing, Rachel."

- A

"She was extremely approachable and friendly. She made the counselling so easy and helpful. I really benefited from my sessions. Thank you so much."

- V

"I really am so grateful for my time with Rachel. She is amazing in so many ways. She helped with sorting out my thoughts with past and immediate issues. I feel I am able to move forwards now with thanks to Rachel."

- J

"The sessions were really really beneficial. I couldn't have asked for more to be honest. Went in feeling like shit and now I am so upbeat. Rachel was so easy to talk to. Thank you again."

- R

"Rachel was lovely, truly lovely. She helped me so much. She gave me a lot of pointers to help me and they worked. She was excellent. If I needed it in the future, I'd only work with Rachel as she was super."

- L

"My counsellor was brilliant, so supportive and non-judgemental, just what I needed. I felt listened to and my sessions were like a safety blanket as Rachel was so good. Thank you for all you did."

- L

"She was very good, helpful and so patient. She has such a gentle voice I felt safe and comfortable with her. Thanks for being so patient with me."

- G

"What can I say - Rachel was just what I needed. I have had a lot go on in the past and counselling is what I needed. But I needed someone real, like blunt and honest and real. I got this with Rachel. She was amazing, brilliant, so thank you so much."

- E

"Rachel was lovely. We clicked and she really supported me. I felt listened to and she was easy to talk to. I found it easy to open up to her. Thank you."

- M